
Professor Scott Bogue
Professor, Geology, Emeritus (1987-2021)
A.B., Brown University; Ph.D., UC Santa Cruz
Appointed In
Hameetman Science Center 220

Scott Bogue teaches introductory geology, Global Geophysics and Tectonics, Earth's Atmosphere and Oceans, and other courses.

His research uses the paleomagnetism of rocks to investigate reversals of the Earth's magnetic field and the geologic history of far-traveled terrains in western North America.

Education  |  Professional Experience  |  Research Grants  |  Recent Publications


A.B.   Geological Sciences, Brown University  June 1974

Ph.D.  Earth Sciences, University of California at Santa Cruz,  February 1982

Dissertation title:  Behavior of the geomagnetic field during successive reversals recorded in basalts on Kauai, Hawaii.


Associate Dean of the College, ɫ (August 2013 to present)

Professor, Department of Geology, ɫ (August 1998 to present)

Associate Professor, Department of Geology, ɫ  (September 1992 August 1998)

Chair, Department of Geology, ɫ  (1990-1992; 1999-2002, 2008-2010)

Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, ɫ  (September 1985 to August 1992)

Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth and Planets)  (1987-1990)

Research Associate, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Washington   (February 1983 to August 1985)

National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate, U. S. Geological Survey,  Menlo Park, California (1982)


NSF (RUI Research) “RUI:  Rapid geomagnetic change recorded by a partially remagnetized lava flow” July 2010-June 2014 $128,983

NSF (RUI Research) “Rapid variation of the geomagnetic field in reversal: Evidence from the Sheep Creek Range, north central Nevada” July 2004-June 2008  $128,879

NSF (Major Research Instrumentation Program) “ Acquisition of Superconducting Rock Magnetometer for Department of Geology” October 2001-September 2003  $217,093 (co-PI with Donald Prothero)

NSF (RUI Research/Collaborative proposal) “Cenozoic exhumation and tilting in the Southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia” June 2000-May 2003  $166,919 (co-PI with Margaret Rusmore and Ken Farley)

NSF (RUI Research/Collaborative proposal) “Tertiary tilting and exhumation, Coast Mountains, British Columbia”  May 1998-Nov 2000.  $107,728 (co-PI with Margaret Rusmore and Ken Farley)

NSF (RUI Research) “Pilot study of a Miocene volcanic transition zone, Sheep Creek Range, Nevada”  June 1997-Dec 1999.  $60,000

NSF (RUI Research) "Geomagnetic paleointensity during the Kauai N-R polarity transition"  July 1993-Dec 1996  $74,264.

NSF (RUI Instrumentation) "Request for magnetometer for ongoing paleointensity research"  August 1992 - July 1994.  $22,335.

NSF (RUI Research)  "Renewal: Paleointensity before and after the Kauai R-N transition"  July 1991 - December 1993.  $36,697.

NSF (RUI Research)  "Paleointensity before and after the Kauai R-N transition"  July 1989 - December 1991.  $33,345.

NSF (RUI Instrumentation)  "Paleointensities during geomagnetic field reversals - request for controlled-field oven"  June 1988 - November 1989.  $7318.

Research Corporation  "The earth's magnetic field shortly before and after a polarity transition: evidence from basaltic rocks on Kauai, Hawaii.  June 1986 - June 1989. $15,355.


Rusmore, M. E., S. W. Bogue, and G. J. Woodsworth, 2013. Paleogeography of the Insular and Intermontane terranes reconsidered: Evidence from the southern Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia.  Lithosphere, 5, p. 521-536, doi:10.1130/L288.1

Heermance, R. V., A. Pullen, P. Kapp, C. C. Garzione, C, S. Bogue, L. Ding, and P. Song, 2013. Climatic and tectonic controls on sedimentation and erosion during the Quaternary in the Qaidam Basin (China) – Pliocene, Geological Society of America Bulletin 125,  833-856  doi: 10.1130/B30748.1

Rood, D. H., D. W. Burbank, S. W. Herman, and S. Bogue (2011), Rates and timing of vertical-axis block rotations across the central Sierra Nevada-Walker Lane transition in the Bodie Hills, California/Nevada, Tectonics, 30, TC5013, doi:10.1029/2010TC002754.

Bogue, S. W., and J.M.G. Glen, 2010.  Very rapid geomagnetic field change recorded by the partial remagnetization of a lava flow. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L21308, doi: 10.1029/2010GL044286.

Rusmore, M. E., S. W. Bogue, K. Dodson, K. A. Farley, and G. J. Woodsworth, 2010. Deformation of continental crust along a transform boundary, Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Tectonics, 29, TC4007, doi:10.1029/2009TC002502.

Bogue, S. W., and C. S. Gromme, 2004.  Structural correction of paleomagnetic vectors dispersed about two fold axes and application to the Duke Island (Alaska) ultramafic complex.  Journal of Geophyscial Research 119, B11102, doi:10.1029/2004JB002989.

Mukhopadhyay, S., J. C. Lassiter, K. A. Farley, and S. W. Bogue, Geochemistry of Kauai shield-stage lavas: Implications for the chemical evolution of the Hawaiian plume, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4(1), 1009, doi:10.1029/2002GC000342, 2003.

Farley, K. A, M.E. Rusmore, and S. W. Bogue, 2001.  Post-10 Ma uplift and exhumation of the northern Coast Mountains, British Columbia.  Geology 29, 99-102.

Bogue, S. W., 2001.  Geomagnetic field behavior before and after the Kauai R-N polarity transition. Journal of Geophysical Research 106, 447-462.