
Find department chairs for the 2024-25 academic year.

Academic Divisions table

American Studies: Julie Prebel

Art & Art History: Mary Beth Heffernan

Asian Studies: Alexander Day

Biochemistry: Andrew Udit and Gary Schindelman

Biology: Shana Goffredi

Black Studies: James Ford III

Center for Research and Scholarship: Aleksandra Sherman

Center for Teaching Excellence: Carmel Levitan

Chemistry: Emmanuelle Despagnet-Ayoub

Cognitive Science: Carmel Levitan

College Writing Programs DirectorLaMont Terry

Comparative Studies in Literature & Culture: Damian Stocking (Fall) and Jacob Mackey (Spring)

Computer Science: Justin Li

CORE Program: Brandon Lehr

Critical Theory & Social JusticeMalek Moazzam-Doulat (Fall) and Mary Christianakis (Spring) 

Diplomacy & World Affairs: Madeline Baer

Economics: Mary Lopez

Education: La Mont Terry

English: Ross Lerner

Food Studies: Carmel Levitan

Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies: Caroline Heldman

Geology: Darren Larsen

Group Languages: Mike Shelton

History: Michael Gasper

Interdisciplinary Writing: Julie Prebel

KinesiologyKirk Bentzen

Latino/a Latin American Studies: Lisa Sousa

Linguistics: Michael Shelton

MathematicsEric Sundberg

Media Arts & Culture: Kasia Marciniak

Music: Adam Schoenberg and Desiree LaVertu

Neuroscience: Carmel Levitan

Philosophy: Robert Sanchez

Physics: Janet Scheel

Politics: Regina Freer

Psychology: Andrew Shtulman

Public HealthJessica Dirkes

Religious StudiesAmy Holmes-Tagchungdarpa

Sociology: Dolores Trevizo

Spanish and French Studies: Michael Shelton

Theater & Performance Studies: Sarah Kozinn

Urban & Environmental Policy: Bhavna Shamasunder (Fall) and Martha Matsuoka (Spring)

Writing CenterJulie Prebel

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