
An accommodation is a legally mandated modification or service that gives a student with a disability an equal opportunity to benefit from the educational process.


Testing Accommodations

  • Extended time on exams, typically 1.5x (50% extra)
  • The use of a computer to type written exams, or use of assistive technology on exams
  • Reduced-distraction testing environment
  • The ability to take breaks during exams
  • The use of a calculator when basic quantitative skills are not being tested
  • The use of a spell-checker when spelling/grammar is not being tested

Classroom Accommodations

  • Note-taker 
  • Printed material in alternate format (E-text or audiobook)
  • Audio recording lecture 
  • The use of a computer for note-taking during class
  • The ability to take short breaks during class

Other Accommodations

  • Course substitutions
  • Reduced courseload
  • Housing

Assistive Technology

Speech-to-text Software

Apple Dictation: Free dictation on Apple devices.

Google Docs voice typing: Students use speech to dictate in Google docs.

Dragon Speaking Naturally 10: Students use voice-commands to control computer operations and speech-to-text recognition. 

Text-to-speech software

Access Text: Inaccessible textbooks made available into a PDF. Students can then use text-to-speech software to listen to books in PDF format. Can be granted through our office.

Bookshare: Textbooks made as MP3 files, enabling students with learning or print (visual/physical disability that inhibits effective access to printed information) disabilities to access the required reading material. Can be granted through our office.

Natural Reader: A free text-to-speech software available at . You can access many different voices in a variety of different languages.

Recording software

Glean: Platform allowing students to record lecture and transcribe within minutes. Recording follows word for word transcription allowing for access to recording and notes. Can be granted through our office.

LiveScribe Pen: This pen records what users are listening to and links it to what they are writing. This system allows users to go back to the specific place in the lecture, speech, etc., and fill in information they missed while taking notes. The program requires use of special paper that accompanies the pen. For more information, please visit .


Last updated: January 2023

Contact Disability Services
Academic Commons

Fall 2024 Walk-in Office Hours

  • Mondays: 2–3 pm
  • Tuesdays: 1–2 pm
  • Wednesdays: 2–3 pm
  • Thursdays: 1–2 pm


Virtual and in-person meetings available
by appointment only