
  • CCSRM Charge
  • Summary of Year's Work
  • Recommendations
  • Membership

CCSRM Charge:

The CCSRM is a diverse, multi-constituency college committee whose charge is:

·         review practices, procedures, and programming relevant to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and Title IX issues;

·         provide feedback to the Title IX Coordinator on educational programs/initiatives and other sex discrimination policy initiatives;

·         guided by the Title IX Coordinator, review the É«½ç°É Sexual Misconduct Policy, within the framework of federal law and guidelines, and offer suggestions for update or revision;

·         engage in outreach in order to engage the community in discussion of proposed changes to the policy and procedures.

Summary of Year’s Work

The following is a summary of the CCSRM’s work during 2015-2016. Committee minutes for each committee meeting are posted at: /sexual-respect-title-ix/people/campus-committee-sexual-responsibility-misconduct/minutes.

Revisions to the Sexual Misconduct Policy

During the Fall semester, the committee focused on securing feedback on the proposed revised Sexual Misconduct Policy. The committee received feedback from the community from an online survey, and community meetings were held on Monday, October 26, 2015 and Tuesday, October 27, 2015.  The committee reviewed the feedback and based on that feedback, made additional edits to the policy. The Revised Policy was sent to President Veitch on December 9, 2015 and was adopted on February 8, 2016. 

Sanction Guidelines

Under the revised Sexual Misconduct Policy, sanction recommendations are made by a Review Panel pursuant to sanction guidelines. During Spring 2016, the committee provided feedback to drafts of the sanction guidelines. 

Title IX Webpage

The committee received a status report from Kirsten McLatchie, Senior Marketing Manager, Web/Digital/Mobile on revisions to the Title IX webpage.   

Climate Survey

Dr. Teresa Kaldor, Director of Institutional Research met with the committee and described the elements of a valid and reliable survey and contrasted the advantages of a survey administered internally with a survey administered by a third party. The committee made suggestions for additional changes. 


·         Recommendations to the Sexual Misconduct policy were submitted to the President on December 9, 2016.

·         Feedback and recommendations on sanction guidelines and other Title IX initiatives were submitted to the Title IX Coordinator during 2015-2016.

·         The CCRSM recommends the continuation of the committee for 2016-2017.


The 2015-2016 members are:

·         Professor of Psychology Anne Schell

·         Assistant Professor of Critical Theory and Social Justice Heather Luke’s

·         Associate Professor of Sociology Richard Mora

·         Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Geology Scott Bogue

·         Dana Michel’s â€™16

·         Brian Erickson ’16

·         Katelyn Fink '19

·         Clery Act Compliance Coordinator Veronika Barsegyan

·         Project SAFE Manager and Survivor Advocate Karla Aguilar

·         Project SAFE Program Coordinator and Prevention Education Specialist Marianne Frapwell

·         Emmons Student Wellness Center Director Sara Semal

·         Athletics Department Service Coordinator Olivia Sabins

·         Executive Director of Financial Aid Maureen McRae Goldberg [Fall 2015 only]

·         Dean of Students Case Management Coordinator Vivian Garay Santiago

·         Chief of Campus Safety Victor Clay

·         Title IX Coordinator Ruth Jones,  Committee Chair


Contact the Civil Rights & Title IX Office
AGC Administrative Center

 First Floor, Room 111