
  • Review of Campus Climate Survey Results Town Hall Presentation
  • Hearing Advisor Updates
  • Interim Policy One Sheet Update

9am JSC Commons

Call to order: 9:03am

Those in attendance: Rob Bartlett, Jenn Broomfield, Eliza Diliberti, Lindsey Ingram, Avanti Puri, Marianne Frapwell, Melissa Morales (P.O.V.), Prof. Diana Ngo, Kristi Allen, Jackie Cameron (via Skype)

1.          Campus Climate Survey Results Town Hall Meeting --Tuesday, 4/16 12-1PM  Choi Auditorium

Jenn announced the date of the Town Hall. Sara Semal will also be on hand to provide support for anybody who might be triggered by the information and will need to talk to someone.

Review of Town Hall presentation
A narrative of the campus climate survey results, in a near final draft, is presented to the committee for review. If the committee then determines the results require editing, Jenn and Kristi will bring it to senior leadership for their consideration and the results will be presented at the Town Hall.

Jaclyn Cameron (Dir. Of Institutional Research) will draft a handout, which will be available at the Town Hall and posted online.

The powerpoint  presentation will be condensed version of the results to allow for Q & A time during the Town Hall. An extended powerpoint version is available and will be posted on the IR website: /offices-services/institutional-research/presentations

Jenn reviewed the following keypoints of the student survey:
Response rates,

Sexual Assaults responses,

Assault rates for female/male/LGBTQ+ -identified students

The who, what, where and how of sexual assault:

How many times have you been assaulted?

What was the nature of the assault?

Where did the assault occur?

Who assaulted you?

What was your relationship to your assaulter?

Who was the assaulter(s)?

Though there has been improvement, about one-third of students are still not retaining information or education related to College procedures for investigating sexual assault. While this information is a part of all Title IX presentations, we need to find better ways to make the information 鈥渟tick鈥 in the same way information about actions to prevent sexual assaults is sticking.
Going forward, education efforts need to include focus on supportive measures and how to access them.

Trust in the Title IX investigation process remains an issue.

*Marianne suggested requesting the people who complete the next survey to volunteer to be part of a focus group to learn more about people鈥檚 specific concerns and experiences.

Jenn reviewed key points of the faculty/staff/admin survey:
More staff (136) then faculty (52) responded to the survey this current AY.

  • Faculty d not feel as adequately trained as staff however, they are confident in their reporting responsibilities. Consistently, 90% of faculty have received Title IX training within the past 3 years (online or in person). About 75% believe they remember most or all of the training.  
  • Cmpared to faculty, a higher percentage of staff do not believe students are at risk of sexual assault, and do believe that students would intervene if they witnessed an assault.
  • The percent f faculty and staff who have reported instances of sexual assault or harassment has slightly increased over 3 years.
  • In 2018, between 94% t 99% of faculty and staff rarely or never experienced unwanted sexual
    contact on campus. Female-identified respondents disclose slightly more unwanted sexual contact than male-identified respondents do.

Jenn reviewed the Title IX Complaints (reports coming through the office):
Types of Charges and Informal Resolutions Handled by the Title IX Office During the 2017-2018 AY:
Number of Policy Violations: 53 student respondents, 10 employee respondents.

Formal Investigations Handed by the Title IX Office during the 207-2018 AY:

Number of Cases:  6:  1 Respondent found responsible and expelled, 2 Respondents found Not Responsible, 1 Complainant withdrew the complaint after Interim Sexual Misconduct Policy went into effect, 2 Cases pending under the Interim Policy.

*Melissa Morales (Peace over Violence) noted the 2 cases which were found 鈥渘ot responsible on all counts鈥 for charges: nonconsensual sexual contact, sexual assault and cited concern of getting students to report if they see that 鈥渘othing is going to be done鈥 when 2 of the 3 cases that went through the investigation process ended in no disciplinary action taken against the alleged party.

Jenn reiterated that a formal investigation was, indeed, conducted (under the single investigator model) and all named witnesses that responded to Title IX interview requests were interviewed but that a preponderance of the evidence was not met in order to reach a 鈥渞esponsible鈥 conclusion for violations against 色界吧鈥檚 sexual misconduct policy. Further, supportive measures were provided in all cases.

*Rob Bartlett reiterated other options provided to students during the initial meeting such as: supportive measures and informal resolution to complaints aside deciding to pursue a formal investigation.

*Marianne stated that it is important to indicate that what Jenn said about a finding of not responsible does not mean that something traumatic did not happen to the student. It means that a preponderance of evidence was not met and that not responsible does not mean innocent.

*Lindsey expressed concern about how students would respond to these results as many students are already distrustful of the investigation process.

Jenn noted post-survey focus groups would be helpful in understanding what students鈥 concerns were about the process.  Jenn also stated it might be helpful to develop a Qualtrics survey for Complainants and Respondents post the investigation and adjudicatory processes.

2.            Hearing Advisor Updates

An update was provided to the committee about plans for hearing advisor training on April 15th with licensed CA attorneys making up 色界吧鈥檚 official Title IX hearing advisors. Hearing advisors are available to 色界吧 students who wish to pursue a formal resolution.

3.            Interim Policy One Sheet Update 

Jenn is currently working on the one sheet and will circulate to the committee once finalized

4.            New Business/Next Meeting

No new business brought up by committee members.
Next meeting is set for April 30th at 1pm in JSC Young.

Meeting adjourned: 10:00am

Contact the Civil Rights & Title IX Office
AGC Administrative Center

 First Floor, Room 111