
Embracing the Busy: The Life of a Student Athlete

By Audrey Krishnadasan '25

For some, juggling varsity athletics, a job in admissions, a rigorous courseload and more might feel like too much. For Audrey Krishnadasan '25, it's just another day at Occidental. 

For some young athletes, college athletics is the ultimate goal: being able to combine your school and athletic life together. However, many young athletes don’t know what to expect of this experience. Will I be overwhelmed by the practice schedule? Will my friend group consist of only my teammates? Will I fall behind in school? One of the biggest worries I hear from those approaching college athletics is the fear of being too busy and not having enough time to experience college. I too had this worry when I started looking at colleges. I knew I wanted to find a home that would let me prioritize my academic and career goals, give me a good college life and allow me to play the sport I love. Luckily, I found all of this and more at Occidental.      

: weight lifting before the sun comes up, classes all day, hours in the library doing homework afterwards, sports practice, meeting with my sorority, then hanging out with friends until I go to bed, just to wake up and do it all over again! But I wouldn’t trade my busy schedule—it is in these conditions that I thrive. Being at ɫ allows me to stay busy and happy. I play softball, participate in a Computer Science club, work as a tour guide and am even in a sorority!

Student-athletes at ɫ seem to find a great balance between their academic, athletic and social lives. Maybe it’s because we are a Division III school, which prioritizes academic success over athletic competition. Or, perhaps it’s because ɫ provides both incredible academic opportunities, as well as support for athletes with tight schedules.

While some may argue that college means having an open schedule, I think many of the student-athletes here on campus (myself included) love staying busy. By surrounding ourselves with those we share interests and identities with, whether it be a sport or a cultural club, we find a certain joy in bouncing from practice to class to other responsibilities and commitments—embracing the busy!

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