We have experience performing NPDES and environmental monitoring and reporting for several agencies since 1994.
Environmental Monitoring Services
- Collection of samples for chemistry, heavy metal or bacteria analysis
- Water quality profiling (dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, transmissivity, and conductivity using a Sea-Bird SEACAT SBE 19plusV2)
- Construction and deployment of moorings and oceanographic equipment
- Collection of samples using Van Veen grab or diver cores
- Infaunal and benthic invertebrate sorting and taxonomy
- Sediment grain size analyses (phi size)
- Sediment toxicity testing (bioassay)
- High-resolution side scan sonar
- Swath bathymetry to depths < 150ft
- Deployment and retrieval of ocean bottom seismometers
- GIS mapping and spatial analysis
Diver, Biological and Visual Surveys
- Invasive species surveys (Caulerpa spp., Sargassum spp.)
- Visual SCUBA including fish, algae, and invertebrate identification
- Sensitive species surveys and monitoring (eelgrass, abalone)
- Underwater videography and photography (standard and 360掳)
- Drop camera surveys
- ROV and stereo-video surveys
- Drone surveys
- Marine mammal monitoring
- Shorebird surveys
Fisheries Studies
- Beam Trawls
- Otter Trawls
- Beach Seines
- Purse Seines
- Lamparas
- Otolith and Fish Life History Analyses
- Zooplankton & Phytoplankton Collection (bongo nets, 1m ring nets, benthic sled)
- Zooplankton & Phytoplankton sorting, staging, and taxonomy
- Chevron Products Company
- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
- Unified Port Districts of San Diego
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- The Port of Long Beach
- The Port of Los Angeles
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Southern California Edison
- Poseidon Water
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Navy
- Ocean Rainforest, Inc.