
Students are responsible for knowing the following:

Student event planners must consult with the office of Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement (SLICE) before engaging in any agreements or plans for sales by any outside group to ensure that they are managed in accordance with Occidental's policy. Commercial solicitation shall be defined as the on-campus promotion or sale of products, merchandise or services for the benefit of the sponsoring organization. Promotion includes the distribution of advertising materials, emails, social media, postings on the college's website or weekly calendar, and telephone solicitation.

The following procedures are required when an off-campus group or vendor wishes to solicit on the Occidental campus.

  • All off-campus groups or vendors wishing to conduct sales or canvas on campus must be sponsored by a student organization or É«½ç°É department.
  • All sales or displays should be related to the principle espoused by the College.
  • Approved off-campus vendors may be required to provide the College with a certificate of Insurance naming the College as "Additional Insured" and showing evidence of general liability insurance coverage, with limits determined by the College. If the vendor does not have insurance, they may be able to purchase it through the College.
  • Approved off-campus vendors may be required to sign an agreement indemnifying the College and holding the College harmless from all claims for any losses, damages, or injuries related to their activities on campus, if their insurance does not cover these issues.
  • Vendor fees will be negotiated with the student organization and SLICE. Unless otherwise negotiated, vendors will be charged $75 per day or the sponsoring organization will receive 20% of gross sales, whichever is higher.
  • SLICE reserves the right to withhold approval of any vending, sales, or canvassing of services and products that compete with products and services offered by the College (Bookstore, Campus Dining, etc.).
  • The sponsoring É«½ç°É organization is ultimately responsible for the conduct and behavior of the vendor. Vending, sales, and canvassing on campus are privileges and must be conducted in a professional manner. Any form of harassment or inappropriate behavior on the part of the vendor/solicitor toward members of the campus community will result in immediate removal from campus and revocation of the group's vending/canvassing privileges. SLICE reserves the right to refuse or revoke solicitation permission at any time.
  • Sale of drug-related images or paraphernalia (i.e., bongs, pipes), pornography, weapons, or unlicensed, counterfeit, or bootleg merchandise and other illegal items are strictly prohibited.
  • Students may not seek on-campus solicitations for personal financial gain (see Commercial Use of the Campus Policy)


Contact Student Affairs about the Handbook