
The Emergency Operations Plan is the foundation and guide for response by administration, faculty, staff and students of ɫ to a disaster that might occur on or near campus.

Table of Contents

          Emergency Operations Center 
          Each Building/Department 
          Onscene Response
          Emergency Policy Individuals/Groups


The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a foundation and guide for the response by administration, faculty, staff and students of ɫ to a disaster that might occur on College property or nearby. The purpose is to protect life, property, the environment and functioning of the College following a disaster. The plan is based upon the Incident Command System used by the Fire Department and other emergency response agencies. The intent is to make the plan flexible so the details of specific incidents will dictate the level and type of response. The framework of the response organization included establishing an Emergency Response Team (ERT), an Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and On-Scene Response. Each of these entities uses the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the basis for policy and protocol development. It is essential that persons designated in the plan, as well as others who live and work on campus, become familiar with the response system through participation in scheduled practice exercises.

Disaster preparation and response drills occur each year. Regular fire drills that stress safe evacuation, assembly and accountability are held in the residence halls. In addition, the College participates in the Great Shakeout earthquake drill every year. Should a drill be called while you are on campus, please respond with a serious attitude. Your contribution will help make the training exercise more realistic and meaningful and help your overall preparedness. ɫ Emergency Status Number 1 (866) 961-3300


The Emergency Operations Plan will be implemented for any disaster of a scale that necessitates a higher level of organized response. It is the intent that the system could be used to manage disaster response due to an earthquake, other act of nature, fire, plane crash, hazardous materials spill or other large scale emergency.


The Emergency Operation Organization is composed of the following groups:

  1. On Scene Response. Reports to Environmental Health and Safety Manager or Campus Safety.
  2. Emergency Operations Center (EOC)/Emergency Preparedness Committee(EPC). Reports to the Incident Commander (Chief of Campus Safety/Emergency Operations).
  3. Building and Floor Monitors. Report to the EOC.
  4. The SLET. Reports to the President.

Each individual or department represented in the above groups should have one or more alternates. A system of checklists and procedures will be developed over time to aid in the organization, functioning and training of all responsible individuals.


For any disaster response the following priorities will be observed:

  1. Life safety.
  2. Preservation of the environment.
  3. Preservation of facilities and property.
  4. Business recovery (i.e. restoration of the academic program).


In the event of a disaster the Emergency Operations Plan will be implemented in the following ways:

A. If the phones are operational:

  1. The Incident Commander will activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), other on scene individuals or if the apparent magnitude of the incident dictates.
  2. The location of the EOC will be in the Facilities Management building in the Campus Safety Department unless the conditions of Facilities Management, proximity of the incident, or recommendation of EH&S, necessitates choosing an alternate site. The Facilities Management building has an emergency generator that can operate for several days if power is out to campus.
  3. The Incident Commander or designated individual will phone/text/radio members of the EOC and advise them to convene.
  4. The SLET will be contacted by the EOC and advised to convene at the 3rd floor of the Arthur G. Coons (AGC) building or other designated site.

B. If the phones/ cellphones are not operational:

  1. The EOC Group will meet at Campus Safety and the SLET will convene at AGC 3rd floor or other designated site as soon as they become aware of the incident.
  2. Messengers can be sent to alert members &/or alternates, or other communication options can be attempted.
  3. Alternates will be assigned by the Incident Commander to fill the positions as needed. As more qualified individuals arrive, they should be briefed by the alternates.

C. If the incident occurs after normal business hours:

  1. On duty senior Campus Safety Officer should follow A or B above and act as Incident Commander until other EOC members arrive.
  2. Use available human resources to set up and operate the EOC. [Training of the Resident Advisors (RAs), Graduate Hall Coordinators (GHCs), and & Associate Directors (Ads) prior to the disaster is necessary].
  3. ADs, GHCs and RAs will act as Building and Floor Monitors at local assembly points near the residence halls.
  4. If the incident is a severe earthquake or other large scale disaster that affects roadways, a core group of EOC alternates living within a short distance of the College (without having to drive over or under overpasses) will form the EOC and assist in response actions until it is safe for others to travel. (This option requires special training of this proximal group of employees).


The responsibilities of individuals in the Emergency Operations Center and the SLET as well as the On Scene Group and the Building and Floor Monitors are outlined on the following pages:

Individual/Group Title Responsibilities


Incident Commander*  Chief of Campus Safety/  Emergency Operations.  

1. Activation of Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

2. Work with EH&S Manager to determine location of the EOC.

3. Activate ɫ Alert & siren if necessary.

4. Direct emergency response.

5. Coordinate with off campus response agencies (fire, police, hazmat, etc. )

6. Communicate operations group needs with the policy group and implement decisions.

7. Coordinate search and rescue operations.

8. Expand response scope/size as necessary.

9. Update (866) 961-3300 message.

Alternate Incident Commander (IC) Campus Safety Officer

1. Coordinate on-scene response of campus safety officers. 1st responders.

2. Communicate with eoc

3. Coordinate with off campus emergency response agencies.

4. Serve as alternate ic. Appoint sergeant or designee to take over chief duties.

Facilities/Services Coordinator* Director of Facilities Management

1. Respond to utility emergencies (gas leaks, power outages, water leaks, etc. )

2. Facilities damage survey and updates.

3. Determine needs and    procure    heavy equipment for rescue/cleanup from on and off campus vendors/contractors.

4. Coordinate with facilities personnel to stage supplies and human resources.

Student Assistance Coordinator* Director of Residence Education & Housing Services

1. Assist students with housing and other needs.

2. Work with eh&s and campus dining to meet water and food requirements.

3. Coordinate needs for greek life and off campus student assistance.

4. Work with public information & its to set up student information    program and communication with parents on student status.

5. Coordinate student volunteer program to assist with disaster response efforts.

EOC Coordinator* Available ɫ Community Member

1. Arrange for setup of eoc as soon as call for eoc to convene is made.

2. Coordinate clerical and some communication needs of the eoc

3. Maintain status boards

Public Information* AVP for Communications

1. Prepare news releases regarding extent of director of communications disaster and response. Work with others to update the emergency status & oxy alert messages. Post social media messages.

2. Coordinate with student affairs and others to set up information centers.

3. Coordinate with telecommunications & its to get messages out if some communication channels are down.

4. Help with disaster response for local community and for individuals from the community who seek aid on campus.

Medical Care Director of Emmons Wellness Canter

1. Coordinate medical response and triage.

2. Arrange for psychological assistance.

Accountability & Volunteer Coordinator Director of Human Resources

1. Account for employees and work with student affairs to account for students.

2. Assemble a list of volunteers and coordinate deployment as needed by ic.

3.  Assist with community interaction if neighborhood individuals seek refuge on campus.

4. Arrange for transportation alternatives as needed.

5. Manage time cards, paychecks, & benefits issues.

Campus Dining & Card Office Associate V.P. of Hospitality Services

1. Manage food/water access and distribution.

2. Work with residence life to implement rationing if necessary.

3. Coordinate with communications & off campus relief agencies.

4. Coordinate card key access issues.

Facilities Operations

Various Assistant Directors, Managers & Supervisors for Facilities Management.

1. Setup alternate eoc so it will be ready if needed or it can be used to coordinate facilities operations.

2. Coordinate logistics and staging of supplies and human resources from facilities

3. Divisions as needed by eoc. Supply necessary facilities information, floor plans, utility shutoff locations, etc.

Communications Director of Technical Services ITS and/or CIO

1. Setup emergency phone system.

2. Assist public information officer in communication efforts.

3. Offer/setup alternate communication methods if phones fail.

Payroll & Business Continuity AVP Finance/Controller

1. Manage payroll

2. Business continuity financial aspects.

Communications Facilities Front Office

1. Manage use/recharge of facilities management dept. Radios.

2. Minimize downtime of radios.

Communications Campus Safety Officer

1. Manage use/recharge of campus safety radios. Work with facilities to maintain

2. Radio repeaters. Minimize downtime of radios.

3. Coordinate use of eoc channel.

* Persons who report to EOC immediately after EOC notice to assemble is issued. Others may need to report as directed by the IC and as the emergency response dictates.


Building/Floor Monitors

Department/building specific individuals

1. Supervise/conduct local building response to disaster.

2. Conduct evacuation to safe assembly point if necessary.

3. Accountability. Use sign-in sheets.

4. Report conditions to eoc via phone or messenger.

5. Respond to requests from eoc.


Health & Safety Environmental Health & Safety Manager

1. Report to scene for assessment. Inform eoc immediately & update as necessary.

2. Work with campus safety to establish no-access perimeters to protect life/safety.

3. Conduct or coordinate monitoring survey for hazardous materials spills.

4. Assist with facilities survey.

5. Arrange for industrial hygienist, hazardous materials spill cleanup, or other contractor emergency response. 6. Work with campus safety to keep siren/pa portion of oxyalert system running.

Campus Safety Campus Safety Officers

1. Respond at scene and coordinate with eh&s to establish safe perimeters.

2. Deputize volunteers to assist as needed in maintaining restricted access. Post building evacuation notices as necessary.

3. Work with building & floor monitors @ assembly points for local response needs.

Utilities Utilities Supervisor

1. Respond at scene to identify utility emergencies, forward information to eoc & help resolve problem(s).

2. Coordinate with eh&s and campus safety to determine and establish safe perimeters.




1. Determine a safe location to meet, advise the eoc and support staff of the need to convene.

2. Based upon communication with the eoc make major decisions related to what policies will be followed for disaster response.

3. Establish target dates for business recovery.

4. Communicate with the trustees regarding college status.

V.P. for Academic Affairs & Dean of the College

1. Coordinate academic business recovery efforts including the resumption of class schedules, alternate teaching arrangements.

2. Establish academic policies that will promote rapid academic business recovery including pass/fail options, extension of academic deadlines, etc.

V.P. for Finance, Planning & Operations

1. Allocate disaster response & business recovery funding.

2. Acquire disaster relief resources as available through the federal emergency management administration (fema).

V.P. of Student Affairs & Dean of Students

1. Coordinate with director of residence life to meet student needs.

2. Coordinate with dean of college for faculty response to disaster.

3. Coordinate with emmons for medical/psychological aid.

A.V.P. of Marketing & Communications

1. Coordinate internal and external communications.

2. Coordinate with college leadership to communicate with all impacted constituencies.

3. Media management.

4. Help with disaster response for local community and for individuals from the community who seek aid on campus.

V.P. Institutional Advancement

1. Assist the v. P. Of finance & planning to acquire disaster relief resources from alumni and grant programs.

2. Work with director of communication to issue statements about college status to community, parents and the media.

A.V.P/Chief Information Officer

1. Coordinate business recovery regarding communications and computer services including repair and replacement of systems.

2. Establish a hot site for critical information/programs prior to disaster & coordinate its use during disaster & recovery periods

V.P. Enrollment

1. Assist in communication with families and media.

2. Coordinate communication effort with applicant pool.

3. Coordinate communications with financial aid recipients regarding their aid.

General Counsel 1. Provide legal support on policy decisions & risk management.
Support Staff

1. Assist in the setup and support activities of the policy group.

2. Establish communication link with the eoc by phone or messenger.



The following guideline can be used by Building Monitors for disasters and disaster drills involving building evacuation. A briefing should occur each time a new person takes over the Building Monitor responsibilities. Any person familiar with a building, the disaster plan, emergency procedures, and possessing the ability to make decisions and organize in the face of disaster can be an effective Building Monitor. Practice and pre- disaster planning will make for smooth emergency response. Stay calm, use available resources and respond to the emergency.



  • Earthquake: "Duck, Cover and Hold" to avoid being hit by falling books, shelving, file cabinets, light fixtures, ceiling tiles, etc. Keep people from running out of building and being hit by falling objects. After shaking stops, assist in orderly evacuation of occupants out safe exits to assembly point. Assist Floor Monitors in checking for injured or trapped people.
  • Fire, Gas Leak, Chemical Spill, etc.: Evacuate people out a safe exit. Help keep the evacuation calm and orderly. Assist Floor Monitors in checking to make sure all people have evacuated. Close doors to limit spread of smoke and fire. With fire keep low away from dense smoke and heat. Always test doors before opening.



  • Small Fires: Evacuate all personnel. Use portable fire extinguishers to extinguish. Work in pairs. Dial 9-911 (campus phones) if working and follow emergency notification procedures.
  • Large Fire: Evacuate all personnel. Dial 9-911 (campus phones) if working, close doors on way out to limit spread of fire. Follow emergency procedures. See “Notice to Employees flier.
  • Gas Leak: Evacuate all personnel. Avoid ignition sources. Do not turn on lights, light matches, etc. Contact Facilities Management ASAP to turn off gas or turn it off if you know how and where. Important to notify Facilities that it is off. Once off, do not turn it back on!


  • Department or building roster should be kept up to date and be placed in a disaster kit or place where it can be easily accessed if an evacuation occurs.
  • Missing people could be elsewhere on campus, have left campus, be trapped in buildings. Ask others if they know the whereabouts of missing individuals.
  • Pass information to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC - at Safety/Security at Facilities Management. See *note below).


  • People should sign in and stay on campus. If people leave campus, personal safety could be jeopardized by downed power lines, structural failure of overpasses, collapsed buildings, etc. Use the Sign-In forms in the front of the binder located in the Emergency Preparedness backpacks.
  • Aftershocks will occur so keep people away from obvious hazards.


  • Assign Medical teams to respond to the injured with available resources.
  • Report injuries to Facilities Management.

ASSESSMENT: RECORD ANY BUILDING DAMAGE (Structural and Non-structural).

  • Ask evacuees if they noticed anything on the way out.
  • Report information to damage assessment teams from Facilities Management and/or to the EOC (once it is established).


  • Once organized into teams it is easier to respond to specific emergencies or business recovery efforts at the local building level and campus wide.
  • Teams: Communication - Messengers and message takers; Search and Rescue; Fire Suppression; Medical Response; Resources and Supplies; Food and Water; Sanitation; Psychological Trauma; Radio Emergency Broadcast; Facility Securing; Shelter; etc.
  • People will do better if they have a task rather than dwelling on the disaster itself.
  • Encourage teams not assigned to tasks to plan activities, talk about the fears they have and comfort one another, and rest to conserve energy.


  • It will take some time for the EOC to get organized so each Building Monitor should respond to local emergencies with the resources available. Use common sense and good judgment. Lives could be at risk. When in doubt follow the DECIDE method for making a decision (see page 11).
  • Encourage team leaders to review the DECIDE method with team members.
  • Use the forms in the Emergency Information binders located in the Emergency Preparedness backpacks to keep records of activities. Keep a log of members and actions relative to time. Periodically check to ensure no teams have gotten into trouble.




*NOTE: It will take time to set up the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Take care of emergencies at your local assembly point as best you can with available resources. Facilities Management personnel will be doing building checks immediately following the disaster. Relay information to them concerning problems with your building. They may be able to help depending on emergency response priorities.



The following can be used as a guideline for Building and Floor Monitors before a disaster to help prepare procedures and resources that can be used during disaster drills and during real emergencies. Pre-disaster planning and practice will help promote prompt and proper emergency response.


  • Anyone familiar with the building, the disaster plan, emergency response procedures and possessing the ability to make decisions and organize in the face of disaster can be an effective Building or Floor Monitor.
  • People who have practiced during disaster drills make better Building or Floor Monitors. The more people familiar with the procedures, the better prepared we'll be.
  • This is a flexible system to allow anyone who is present and capable at the time of the emergency to be able to organize the emergency response. To rely on a few trained individuals would be to put "all our eggs in one basket." They may not be present at the time of the emergency or may be one of the victims.


  • Familiarize yourself with the floor plan of your building(s). Floor plans are available from Facilities Management. Contact the Environmental Health and Safety Manager for requests.
  • Know the location of all exits, utility shutoffs, fire extinguishers and fire hoses, elevators, mechanical rooms, etc.
  • Be familiar with emergency procedures including: building evacuation, earthquake response, medical emergency, etc. These should be in your department “Emergency Response Kit.”
  • Know how to use a fire extinguisher and fire hose.
  • Be familiar with procedures to shut off utilities.
  • Actively participate in practice drills. Give suggestions for how to improve preparedness.
  • Assemble necessary resources for emergency response.
  • Develop checklists and emergency response procedures specific to your building.
  • Promote personal preparedness among all individuals in your building (or department). See the "Personal Preparedness Checklist."


  • The Floor Monitor should assist people in an orderly response to the emergency including an evacuation out a safe exit.
  • Assist the Building Monitor in accounting for all persons by doing a sweep of the rooms of the floor on which you work (live - for Resident Advisors in residence halls) to make sure all people are evacuated.
  • Assist the Building Monitor in accounting for all persons at the assembly point. Having an updated roster of employees (residents for residence halls) helps.
  • Helping inform people what to do to respond to the emergency.
  • Helping organize and lead response teams: communication - messengers and message takers, fire suppression, search and rescue, medical, sanitation, food and water, etc.
  • Post drill and disaster evaluation. Make suggestions of how to improve response and preparedness.


  • Follow the guidelines in the handout "Building Monitor Duties" and established emergency response procedures.
  • The Building Monitor acts as the Incident Commander at an assembly point.
  • Working with others the Building Monitor organizes emergency response actions.
  • Sets up teams as needed to coordinate response actions and to account for people.
  • Communicate information and conditions to: emergency response personnel (Fire Dept., Police, etc. if available), Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at Facilities Management, Emmons, etc.
  • Organize and carry out requests for emergency response personnel or the EOC.

Note: There is no plan set in stone to deal with an emergency and the recovery that follows. The circumstances of each emergency will vary. Use common sense, stay calm and use available resources to respond.

It really helps to plan ahead. Take an active role in disaster preparedness by planning and practicing emergency response procedure, both on a personal level (using your imagination) and in drills (going through the motions).

Remember: “Lack of planning is planning to fail.”

Contingency planning in each department is essential for emergency response and the business recovery phase after a disaster. Determine what seismic hazards from non-structural items exist in your building. Some of these are the most common sources of injury. They also represent the highest cost of replacement during the business recovery phase after the disaster. Survey forms are available from EH&S in Facilities (x2933). Good seismic equipment securing options are available from vendors to reduce the potential for damage from non-structural items and loss of equipment. EH&S can assist with this.

Deciding what resources are essential for your department to function before the disaster hits will help get you back into operation quickly after life/safety issues have been resolved. Have backup information at an alternate location, so you can have quick access to it in case your building cannot be entered because of disaster related damage. What are your minimal equipment requirements for the first few days/weeks following a disaster? If some people in your department cannot come to work for an extended period of time can your department still function? These and other questions need to be asked and answered ahead of time. Discuss options with people in your department and adjacent departments. Put written material and checklists in a book that is easily accessible. Have a backup somewhere outside your building. Review and update your contingency plan on a regular basis.

If you have ideas of how to better prepare and respond to a disaster please forward them to Environmental Health and Safety at x2933.


To guide your intervention during an emergency, certain basic decisions must be made. Decision making calls for emergency response personnel to:

D Define the problem

E Estimate likely harm without intervention

C Choose response objectives

Identify action options

D Do best option

E Evaluate progress


Define the Problem. Critical to any emergency! If you are not aware that a problem exists, or you do not know the parameters of a problem, how can you protect against a nasty surprise?

Estimate Likely Harm Without Intervention. This is a difficult but indispensable step. If you do not know what is going to happen, how can you define your problem and methods to deal with that problem? How can you choose your objectives?

Choose Response Objectives. You have to select the harm you want to prevent (the exposures you want to protect against) before you act in a rational manner.

Identify Action Options. With the objectives clearly in mind, select options that will accomplish those objectives. You must consider all practical options before you act.

Do the Best Option. When you have multiple options, you should pick the option that provides a solution to your problem. It should be the one with the greatest gain and the least potential loss.

Evaluate Progress. After you decide what to do, you have to make sure that what you expected to happen is actually happening. If not, you must review the problem and select another option, one that will lead to the desired results.


How to Prepare Personally - be familiar with all exits in buildings you frequent. Know where fire extinguishers are and how to use them. Keep on hand (in car, room or office) items such as:

  • Water and some emergency food rations.
  • Space blanket or warm clothing.
  • Plastic bags, toilet paper, towelettes and other items for sanitation purposes.
  • First aid supplies and needed medications (these must be properly safeguarded).
  • Flashlight and radio with batteries or purchase hand crank or solar charging types.
  • Comfortable shoes or boots to replace dress type shoes.
  • Books, cards or other items that will help relax you.
  • Commercially produced disaster kits are available from local suppliers (on campus the day of the disaster drills) and can be supplemented with other items.

Prepare yourself and your family so they will know what to do, where to go, and how to cope until you are able to get home (could be several days). Have an out-of-state contact (relative or friend's phone number) to communicate with others by phone because local calls will probably not be possible for many days.

What to Expect -

  • Everything shakes and rattles.
  • There will be a lot of noise.
  • Things will fall and break (such as ceiling tile, light fixtures, file cabinets, desks, computers, unsecured bookcases, wall hangings, mechanical equipment, etc.).
  • The motion will be severe - if you are standing, you may be thrown to the ground.
  • Most things will stop working (lights, telephones, computers, elevators, heating and air conditioning, gas and water supplies may be cut off, etc.).
  • Windows will probably break, shattering glass into and around buildings, creating a life threatening situation for people running out of buildings.
  • Fires started by electrical short-circuits may well be fed by broken natural gas lines. These fires may burn out of control for lack of water, equipment and trained persons to fight them.
  • Buildings may collapse partially or totally. There could be injuries and deaths.

What to Do -

  • Remain calm. Don't panic or run (death or serious injury could result if you are hit by falling debris).

Count to yourself or reassure others around you - the shaking will eventually stop.

  • To avoid being hit by non-structural items: Duck, cover and hold on to the legs of a desk or chair so you stay protected under it; or stand in an architecturally strong part of the room away from glass and falling items. If you stand in a doorway you may be beaten by the door if you don't take appropriate precautions.
  • Where potential for structural collapse exists, use the Triangle of Life Survival Technique (TOLST): Duck low next to a large item (desk, couch, bed, car) that will take the crush impact leaving a void that may  allow survival.
  • If you are inside, stay there. If you are outside, stay there but avoid standing near buildings and power poles. If you are driving, pull cautiously to the side of the road in a clear place and stay in the car.

After the Earthquake

    1. Don't panic. Stop and take time to think. Be prepared for aftershocks.
    2. Do not light matches, cigarettes, or turn on lights or machines - you could ignite a fire.
    3. Report to your Building or Floor Monitor (anyone capable of acting in this capacity). If evacuation of the building is necessary proceed to assembly points via safe exits and sign in.
    4. Respond to assignments from Campus Safety - involving rescue and survival operations.
    5. Do not use telephones. Too many calls will crash the system.
    6. Employees: If you are at home when the quake hits - insure the safety of your family. Then report to Campus Safety on campus if you are within walking or short biking distance. Your skills will  be  needed to assist people on campus. Prepare your home and family ahead of time.




Please answer the questions below, and use the results to help plan and prioritize your disaster preparedness. Although many of these questions apply to earthquakes, the most likely large-scale disaster that might occur in southern California, personal and family preparedness can apply to all types of emergencies.



[ ]    [ ] 1. Do you know what to expect if a significant earthquake strikes?

[ ]    [ ] 2. Do you know what to do, and what not to do, while the shaking is occurring? (At work -in your office, classroom, library, or other areas that you frequent on campus; at home or in your residence hall; driving on the freeway; while shopping; in a theater; in a parking structure; etc. - imagine other locations that are part of your routine)?

[ ]    [ ] 3. For your safety it is recommended that you remain at ɫ and not drive home if a significant quake strikes. Does your family know this? Do you know the reasons for this policy?

[ ]    [ ] 4. Accountability is very important especially if people are trapped in buildings.  Are you familiar with the procedures for signing in and are you aware of what the consequences to others could be if you "bolt" from campus?

[ ]    [ ] 5. In a large quake it is likely you will not be able to make local calls. Do you have an out-of-state contact person that you and your family can contact from public pay phones (these will come on line first after emergency service lines) to keep informed of the condition of loved ones and to relay information about yourself?

[ ]    [ ] 6. Have you developed a family disaster plan and do all people in your family and others associated with the care of children, etc. know the pertinent details of the plan so you can keep your anxiety level down if family members are separated when a disaster strikes ?

[ ]    [ ] 7. Do you have a disaster kit(s) with a minimum 72 hour supply of food and water in your office, room and/or car as well as other items for minor first aid, extra clothing, etc. to meet your survival needs? (See the separate handout “Disaster Preparedness Checklist”)

[ ]    [ ] 8. Are you prepared to be a Floor or Building Monitor by being familiar with the procedures to help coordinate a safe building evacuation?

[ ]    [ ] 9. Do you know the location of fire extinguishers in your office or residence?  Do you know how to operate a fire extinguisher to put out a small fire?

[ ]    [ ] 10. Do you know all of the exits out of the buildings you occupy during the day?  Do you know what to do if all doorway exits are blocked?

[ ]    [ ] 11. Do you have a recovery plan for addressing damage to your home/possessions?

[ ]    [ ] 12. Do you have a plan for dealing with the injury or death of family members.  Do you have a  current will?

[ ]    [ ] 13. Have you considered possibilities for your economic survival following a disaster that destroys your place of business resulting in short or long-term unemployment?



Responsible Officer(s): VPSA

Last Revised Date: September 2017