
Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones) Policy


Due to potential risks to safety, security and privacy, ɫ (“College” or “ɫ”) generally prohibits operations of an Unmanned Aerial Systems on or above ɫ Property or in connection with an ɫ-sanctioned or affiliated event or activity, including commercial, recreational, hobby, or other uses.


This policy applies to all members of the ɫ community, including students, staff, faculty, and administrators as well as guests and visitors to the campus or other ɫ Property.


ɫ Property - Buildings, facilities, grounds, and land that are owned or controlled by ɫ. 

ɫ UAS Review Board The Board designated the authority to approve exceptions to this policy. The members are Jim Andersen, Sr. Risk and Insurance Manager, Rick Tanksley, Chief of Campus Safety and Marc Campos, College Photographer. 

Remote Pilot in Command - The person personally operating or directly supervising the operation of a UAS who has the ability to immediately take direct control of the UAS flight. 

UAS Operating Plan – The document submitted by an applicant in conjunction with the application that contains all information requested in the application. The complete UAS Operating Plan is the primary source of information used by the UAS Review Board in making its determination. 

Unmanned Aerial System&Բ;(“”) – Includes all manner of unmanned aircraft systems, including but not limited to, model aircraft, quadcopters, quadrotors, drones, etc. According to the FAA, a UAS includes the unmanned aircraft and all associated support equipment, control station, data links, telemetry, communications and navigation equipment, etc., necessary to operate the unmanned aircraft.


Unless an exception is granted pursuant to this policy, operation of an Unmanned Aerial System ("UAS") on or above ɫ Property or in connection with an ɫ-sanctioned or affiliated event or activity (including commercial, recreational, hobby, or other uses) is prohibited.

Violation of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including suspension, termination, or expulsion from the College. Trespass notices/orders and other legal action may also be pursued against third parties who operate UAS in violation of this policy or any applicable law.

A.  Procedure for requesting an exception

Exceptions to this policy will be considered by the ɫ UAS Review Board on a case-by-case basis. To obtain an exception, the applicant must submit an application and a completed UAS Operating Plan to the ɫ UAS Review Board no less than ten (10) days prior to each proposed use, as outlined below. 

Examples of justifications that may be accepted include the use of UAS for promotional or facilities maintenance purposes.

Step 1 : Submit a fully completed application and UAS Operating Plan to the UAS Review Board (risk@oxy.edu) at least ten (10) days prior to each planned operation of a UAS system. The UAS Operating Plan must include all requested information or it may be rejected. 

Step 2: The UAS Review Board will acknowledge that the application is under review. This acknowledgement will note any omissions or deficiencies in the application and UAS Operating Plan, and may include suggested modifications. The applicant will be offered the opportunity to address UAS Review Board comments prior to a final determination.

Step 3: The UAS Review Board will issue a final determination, sent to the applicant’s email address. If permission is not granted, the applicant may not operate a UAS on College Property or at any ɫ-sanctioned event or activity. If granted, the applicant must provide a copy of the approval email to the Remote Pilot in Command (and any affiliated persons), who must provide a copy to College personnel, upon request, during the operation of the UAS. 

B. Exception Criteria

The criteria used by the UAS Review Board to evaluate the proposed UAS operating plan and determine whether an exception will be granted include, but are not limited to: 

  1. Whether the applicant is an active vendor, student, faculty member, or employee of the College;
  2. Whether the envisioned operation poses an unacceptable threat to health, safety, privacy, or the environment, either in an absolute sense or compared to other methods of obtaining the desired information; and
  3. Whether the envisioned operation is in the best interest of the public and the College. 

All determinations shall be made in the sole discretion of the UAS Review Board.

C. Use of UAS on campus

When an exception is granted, and at all times, the Remote Pilot in Command is responsible for complying with all relevant (1) FAA regulations, (2) federal, state, and local law/regulation, (3) any rules and requirements imposed by the College, the UAS Review Board, and/or the ɫ sponsor, and (4) this policy. Fines or damages incurred through UAS activity are the sole responsibility of the Remote Pilot in Command.

The College reserves the right to immediately terminate the operation of and confiscate any UAS if it creates any type of electronic interference, poses an unacceptable risk to individuals or property, or interferes with any ɫ activity.

1.  Safety requirements applicable to all UAS operation: 

The following safety requirements must be followed during all operation of a UAS: 

  1. Condition for Safe Operation: No Remote Pilot in Command may operate a UAS system unless it is in a condition safe for operation. Prior to each flight, the Remote Pilot in Command must check the UAS to confirm it is in a condition safe for operation. 
  2. Preflight familiarization, inspection, and actions: Prior to flight, the Remote Pilot in Command must: 
  • Assess the operating environment, considering risks to persons and property in the immediate vicinity both on the surface and in the air. This assessment must include:
    • Local weather conditions; 
    • Local airspace and any flight restrictions; 
    • The location of persons and property on the surface; and 
    • Other ground hazards.; 
  • Ensure that all persons directly participating in the UAS operation are informed about the operating conditions, emergency procedures, contingency procedures, roles and responsibilities, and potential hazards; 
  • Ensure that all control links between the ground contact station and the UAS are working properly; 
  • If the UAS is powered, ensure that there is enough available power for the UAS to operate for the intended operational time; and 
  • Ensure that any object attached to or carried by the UAS is secure and does not adversely affect the flight characteristics or controllability of the UAS. 
  1. Medical Condition: No person may operate a UAS, whether as the Remote Pilot in Command or under the direct supervision of the Remote Pilot in Command, if the person knows or has reason to know that they have a physical or mental condition that would interfere with the safe operation of the UAS. 
  2. In-flight emergency: In an in-flight emergency requiring immediate action, the Remote Pilot in Command may deviate from the UAS Operating Plan to the extent necessary to meet that emergency. Emergency action should be taken in a way that minimizes injury to persons and/or damage to property. A written report must be prepared and retained in each instance where an in-flight emergency causes a deviation. The report must summarize the nature of the emergency and explain the nature and extent of the deviation. 
  3. Hazardous Operation: A Remote Pilot in Command is prohibited from:  
    • Operating a UAS in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another; or
    • Allowing an object to be dropped from a UAS in a manner that creates an undue hazard to persons or property. 
  4. Operation from a Moving Vehicle or Aircraft: The Remote Pilot in Command is prohibited from operating a UAS from a moving vehicle or aircraft. 
  5. Alcohol or Drugs: The Remote Pilot in Command is prohibited from operating a UAS while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or less than eight (8) hours after the consumption of any alcohol and/or drugs. 
  6. Daylight Operation: All UAS operation must occur during daylight hours. 
  7. Visual Line of Sight: The Remote Pilot in Command, the visual observer (if one is used), and/or the person manipulating the flight control of the UAS must be able to see the UAS throughout its entire flight without use of any vision-enhancing device other than standard corrective lenses/glasses. 
  8. Visual Observer: If a visual observer is used during UAS operation, the following requirements must be met: 
    • The Remote Pilot in Command, the person manipulating the flight controls of the UAS, and the visual observer must maintain effective communication with each other at all times.
    • The Remote Pilot in Command must ensure that the visual observer can see the UAS throughout its entire flight without use of any vision-enhancing device other than standard corrective lenses/glasses. 
    • The Remote Pilot in Command, the person manipulating the flight controls, and the visual observer must scan the airspace where the UAS is operating for any potential collision hazard and must maintain awareness of the position of the UAS through direct visual observation. 
  9. Operation of Multiple UAS: A person may not operate or act as a Remote Pilot in Command or visual observer of more than one UAS at a time. 
  10. Right of Way: All UAS must yield the right of way to all aircraft, airborne vehicles, and launch and reentry vehicles. Yielding the right of way means that the UAS must give way to the aircraft or vehicle and may not pass over, under, or ahead of it unless well clear. No person may operate a UAS so close to another aircraft as to create a collision hazard. 
  11. Operation in Certain Airspace: No person may operate a UAS in a manner that interferes with the operations and traffic patterns at any airport, heliport, or seaplane base. No person may operate a UAS in prohibited or restricted airspace unless that person has permission from the using or controlling agency, as appropriate. 

D. Questions or Comments

Questions or comments can be addressed to the UAS Review Board and emailed to risk@oxy.edu. If necessary, a response will be sent within five (5) business days of receipt.


Responsible Officer(s): Risk Manager

Effective Date: March 1, 2022

Last Revised Date: August 12, 2024


UAS Operating Plan Application

Contact Risk Management
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Suite 111
(co-located with the Title IX Office)

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