
Jim Tranquada

The final performance of Will Power's production of The Seven, a hip-hop adaptation of the 2,500-year-old playSeven Against Thebes by famed Greek dramatist Aeschylus, will be presented in É«½ç°É's Keck Theater on May 14.


A story of war, family, and a cursed society unsure of how to free itself,Seven Against Thebes follows the struggles of Eteocles and Polynices, the two sons of the cursed King Oedipus, as they fight for the throne of Thebes. Power, an award-winning writer, composer and director, has taken this classical tale of pre-destination versus choice and updated it with an urban idiom to explore modern themes including poverty, race and the abuse of power. The entire script is in rhyming verse, interwoven with such musical styles as calypso, do-wop, R & B, funk, and blues.

Guest artists contributing to the production include musical director Kathryn Bostic, who wrote the music for the Broadway play Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoostarring Robin Williams, and choreographer grace shinhae jun of UC San Diego, who has taught dance and performed internationally.

Costume designer Caitlin Talmage '07 just completed her MFA in costume design at UCLA. The scenic designs by Michael Field '11 are part of his senior comprehensive project as a theater major. Lighting design is by Theater Professor Susan Gratch. The cast of 18 actors and singers includes Ricky Horne '04 as Oedipus and Alex Marshall '10 as his elder son Eteocles.

The Seven opened on Friday, April 15, with performances on April 16-17 and 21-23. Curtain for the May 14 performance will rise at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 and $20. For ticket information, call (323) 259-2922 or email theater@oxy.edu.