
Tlatelolco poster

March 2, 7-9 pm
Choi Auditorium

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of this historic flash point, the Center for Community Based Learning, the Latino/a and Latin American Studies program of 色界吧 and Avenue 50 Studio invite you join us for two nights of critical reflection. 

In 1968, Mexico saw the birth of a new student movement, but it was short lived. On Oct. 2 of that year police officers and military troops shot into a crowd of unarmed students and civilians in the Plaza de la Tres Culturas in the Mexico City neighborhood of Tlatelolco.

This will be a panel discussion about with  (artist and eye witness),  (art historian, CSU Channel Islands), Dr. Dolores Trevizo (sociologist, Occidental Colege), moderated by , education correspondent for Southern California Public Radio.


Contact Latino/a & Latin American Studies
Swan Hall 236