
Poster for Petrona de la Cruz Cruz performance

February 13, 7 pm
Choi Auditorium

Bittersweet Dreams is a one-woman performance by Petrona de la Cruz Cruz that tells the story of a Mayan girl from the Chiapas highlands. It reveals events that compromise her childhood and the demands of adulthood that are prematurely thrust upon her. But she overcomes the obstacles and traumas that confront her to find creative fulfillment and personal serenity.

Petrona de la Cruz Cruz is a Mayan playwright and actor from Chiapas, Mexico. She co-founded FOMMA (Fortaleza de la Mujer Maya) an organization that uses theater to empower indigenous women. She has served as a state advisor for human rights in Mexico and was featured in the National Geographic film The Life of the Mayas.

Contact Latino/a & Latin American Studies
Swan Hall 236