
Portrait of Chris Hunter

The Fall 2019 Biology Seminar Series continues with Chris Hunter's talk, "Tracking host-pathogen interactions."


University of Pennsylvania

Tracking host-pathogen interactions

Professor Hunter obtained his Ph.D. in Zoology (1989) at the University of Glasgow, Britain and a post-doctoral fellowship at Glasgow developed his interest in the role of cytokines in infectious disease of the CNS. This was followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University (1992-1996) with Jack Remington, before joining the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania (1996-present). There his research group continues to study the cytokines that influence innate and adaptive immunity to infectious diseases and applied the use of genetic tools to understand how parasites subvert their host cells. 

Tuesday, October 29th

BioScience 113


Contact Biology
Bioscience Building Room 200