
students on the Quad

Student organizations give vibrancy to campus life. They provide students opportunities to connect with others who have similar interests, educate the campus about issues pertaining to the group鈥檚 mission and purpose, and leave a legacy at 色界吧.

This handbook outlines basic policies and procedures that student organizations will use to conduct business on campus. Violation of these policies may result in sanctions up to and including a loss of recognition and funding.

Throughout this manual, the term student organization is used to refer to any structured, recognized group of students on campus. Where specific types of organizations are concerned, they will be referenced by affiliation (i.e., club sports, religious/spiritual organizations, social fraternities/sororities, etc.)

Any questions about information presented in this handbook can be directed to the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement (SLICE) at slice@oxy.edu

Also, you may want to visit the Student Leadership Library which is a supplement to the SLICE and ASOC student leadership curriculum. There you'll find personal and professional leadership development resources and teambuilding materials regarding:

  • Virtual Team Management
  • General Management
  • Preparing for & Running Meetings
  • Personal & Professional Development
  • Advocacy, Representation & Decision-Making
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Social Justice & Activism
  • Identity-Based Leader Development
  • PR, Marketing & Branding
  • Career Development & Employability

Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement (SLICE)

Taking a holistic approach to student development, SLICE offers involvement opportunities and programs that center on leadership development, identity construction, intercultural communication and community engagement. Putting 色界吧鈥檚 values into action, SLICE intentionally focuses on meaning-making and transformative learning on campus and in the public sphere.

With a team of dedicated educators, accomplished event organizers and skilled student programmers, SLICE offers the tools and resources you need to succeed. Whether you are interested in starting a club, being involved in student government or engaging with elected officials and community organizations, SLICE can guide and support your passions.

Programming with Purpose

SLICE Program Coordinators (PCs) develop and produce dynamic programs and events that cultivate leadership development, social justice and a sense of belonging.

With programming partners, student service providers and the greater 色界吧 community, we challenge students to connect learning with meaningful and reciprocal experiences outside of the classroom. Together, PCs support student development and help create a strong commitment to equity, inclusion and a life devoted to the public good.

Professional Staff

Marcus A. Rodriguez, Asst. Dean and Director
(323) 259-1429 | mrodriguez6@oxy.edu

Ginny Salazar, Asst. Director

Sabrina Willison, Assoc. Director: Orientation and Student Development

Tiffany Hall, Leadership Coach and Administrator for ASOC

Step 1: Develop Your Idea

Get some other students together who are willing to help you get this new group started (minimum required is two current, full-time 色界吧 students - one to be the president and one to be the treasurer). Then find an advisor (must be a full-time 色界吧 faculty or staff member) who you have a relationship with or who might know something about the topic of your group.

While you are doing this, talk to other students and have them sign your (25 signatures required). This will give you a chance to promote your group, but also provides an opportunity to make sure that students support your organization having access to their student fees through the ASOC Funding process. Please submit your Student Support Petition along with your . NOTE: If you are a Senior and want to start a club in the spring semester of your last year, you must seek guidance and approval from the SLICE Director.

Step 2: Write Your Constitution

Now that you have at least two student officers, a faculty/staff advisor, and a clear idea of what your organization will stand for and its goals, it's time to put it all down on paper so that when you graduate there will be a solid plan in place for the others that come after you to take over and keep the organization running. A constitution is required for recognition and there are some required statements that must be included in your constitution. Please use the to ensure compliance.

Step 3: Obtain Recognition

Once you have a completed the New Club Development form, Student Support Petition, Club Constitution, and have identified at least 2 色界吧 student officers as president and treasurer and an 色界吧 faculty/staff advisor identified, you must complete the . Please have a digital version of your forms saved as you will be asked to upload the documents. For those organizations engaging in high-risk activities, there may be some additional steps necessary to iron out details before you can really get going. Once approved, you will be notified of your official recognition as an 色界吧 student organization.

Please note that you are not an official 色界吧 student organization until you receive notice from SLICE and have met all requirements, which include attending Club Leader and Treasurer Training.

Specialized Groups
Step 4: Maintain Recognition

All 色界吧 clubs have to do a few things to keep themselves active, and new groups have to do them right up front. First is for the club's treasurer to attend one of the annual treasurer trainings and afterwards take a quiz in the ASOC Finance Office. This training is where we present policy and resource updates to all organizations to make sure everyone is on the same page. If there is a change in treasurer after just one semester, the new treasurer needs to attend the training at the beginning of their first semester. Additionally, the club president (or an e-board representative) needs to attend an annual club leader training. And again, if there is a change in club leadership, the new president needs to attend a training at the beginning of their term. The fall club leader training and treasurer training is mandatory even if an officer attended the spring session.

The other piece is to update your officers on whenever there is a transition. The outgoing president will have to make the updates. This keeps our records up to date and maintains your status as a recognized organization. Additionally, your club will be asked at the end of each semester to complete a transition on Presence. It will only take a few minutes and will assure that your club is always up to date.

Club leaders are expected to find out when the training will take place. We will always announce them on and via email. You can always just come in to SLICE and ask for the upcoming dates. It is recommended to create a club email account that can be added to the club listserv as reminders will be sent out before the sessions. To create an email account, please contact SLICE.

To be officially recognized by 色界吧 and conduct business on campus, student organizations must register with SLICE. Recognition does not imply the College鈥檚 endorsement of organization purposes, objectives, or policies.

SLICE will not recognize any group that engages in hate speech, harassment or discrimination. Bias in regard to age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual identity, socioeconomic class, educational level, religion/spirituality, national origin, ableness/disability, ethnicity, culture, size, English literacy, immigration status, and skin color, will not be tolerated.

Privileges of recognition:

  • Use of campus space and College vehicles for meetings and programs in accordance with college policy.
  • Eligibility for funding from ASOC Senate and campus departments, such as SLICE and the Intercultural Center (ICC)
  • Ability to use campus resources to recruit new members
  • Opportunity to have an 色界吧-affiliated email address
  • Opportunity to have an organization mailbox through the Student Activities Center
  • Ability to post organization events to the oxy.edu website calendar

Requirements for establishing a new student organization:

  • Have 2 student e-board members (see requirements to hold an e-board position below). One person should serve as the club President and one should serve as Treasurer.
  • Have at least one advisor who is a college faculty member, administrator, or staff member.
  • Submit a completed Petition for Recognition to SLICE that contains at least an approved constitution, the contact information for organization leadership, and the signatures of at least 25 current students.

In order for a new organization to be approved, the organizations must abide by the following:

  • Membership may not be discriminatory. Any student, regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, religion, creed, nationality, ancestry, ability, or gender identity and expression, must be permitted to join (except where permitted by law).
  • The organization's purpose must not violate College policy or federal and/or state law.
  • The operations of the organization may not provide profit for any individual.
  • The organization may not sponsor activities that recklessly or intentionally endanger the health or safety of an individual.
  • Students must be free to join or leave an organization without fear of being subjected to pressure, harassment, or intimidation.

Requirements to hold an executive board position in a student organization:

  • Student organization e-board members must be registered as full-time students.
  • E-board members must not be on conduct probation with the college.
  • E-board members must maintain a 2.75 GPA.

Requirements for club to maintain registered status:

  • Maintain updated officer and advisor contact information with SLICE as changes occur.
  • Submit all organization constitutional amendments to SLICE for approval.
  • Annually submit a signed letter of intent from the organization鈥檚 college affiliated advisor expressing the desire to serve in that capacity.
  • Remain in good judicial standing with SLICE and the College.

Withdrawal of Recognition and Sanctioning:

Organizations must adhere to all College policies and the directives of College Administrators acting in their role as agents of the College. Organizations that violate College policies may be referred for Conduct Action, which may result in loss of privileges. Organizations may face charges of violating this Code if their behavior meets criteria such as:

  • one or more members of the Organization is alleged to engage in behavior that violates the 色界吧 Code of Student Conduct and the behavior appears to be supported by the organization, organization members, and/or its officers;
  • one or more of the organization members' behavior is alleged to violate the Code at an activity sponsored by the organization or on property utilized by the organization; and/or
  • a reasonable person would understand the alleged misconduct of one or more members to fall within the scope of the organization's usual and customary activities.

An organization and its officers may be held collectively and individually responsible for violations of this Code when it has been determined by a preponderance of the evidence that those associated with the organization have received the consent or encouragement of the organization or of the organization's leaders or officers. Sanctions for organization misconduct may include revocation or denial of registration or recognition, as well as other appropriate sanctions.

If Conduct Action is determined by SLICE, the matter will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct (OSC). The OSC is designated by the Dean of Students Office to administer the 色界吧 Code of Student Conduct. When a violation of College policy is alleged, the OSC engages with those involved, investigates and takes appropriate action in accordance with the Code. More at www.oxy.edu/student-life/student-affairs/resources/office-student-conduct.

Club Status Descriptions:

SLICE offers club support in a variety of ways. Professional staff is available to support through challenges and celebrate your success. Here are the categories that clubs at Occidental fall typically fall into.

  • Active - Fully recognized student organization. Able to reserve spaces, host events, and advertise on campus.
  • Frozen - An organization that has completed some of the requirements to be active, but has reached out to SLICE for reactivation support.
  • Inactive - An organization that had been previously active (within 2-3 years) but did not complete all recognition requirements or no longer has student interest on campus.
  • Received an Organizational Warning - An official warning that the organization's behavior is in violation of the Code of Student of Conduct and that, if the organization is subsequently found in violation of a rule, subsequent action may be more severe.
  • Following a Club Improvement Plan - An organization can opt-in or be placed on a Club Improvement Plan to create (with SLICE) goals for the organization to improve areas of communication, leadership structure, recruitment, or other identified areas of concern.
  • On Organization Probation - An organization is found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and placed on a restrictive semester鈥攂arring or limiting some or all of the organization's activities and/or privileges.
  • On Organization Suspension - An organization that loses College recognition and privileges of a student organization for a period of time or permanently.

Maintaining Recognition:
  • Clubs treasurers need to attend one of the
    annual treasurer trainings and afterwards take a quiz in the ASOC Finance Office. 
    If there is a change in treasurer after just one semester, the new treasurer needs to attend the training at the beginning of their first semester

  • The club president (or an e-board representative) needs to
    attend an annual club leader training. 
    If there is a change in club leadership, the new president needs to attend a training at the beginning of their term.

  • Update your officer roster on  
    upon election of your new officers. This keeps our records up to date and maintains your status as a recognized organization.

  • Club leaders are expected to find out when the training will take place. You can always check our event and training dates on just visit SLICE and ask for the upcoming dates. If the club does not already have a shared email account, SLICE can set one up for you and you will receive reminders about the training.

  • Transition your club on when prompted to do so. Contact clubs@oxy.edu if you have any questions or contact the RAFTR support by clicking on the chat icon.

Here are some worksheets to help you keep track of important info so you can pass it on to people who take over your org when you graduate.

The SLICE Program Coordinators have been working with student organizations as members, club leaders, or through SLICE helping them plan events. To help organizations continually improve their presence on campus and the efficiency with which they plan events, they've created these worksheets. Feel free to download them, adapt them, complete them, and then share them with your incoming leadership.

  • - summary of important club deadlines
  • - words of wisdom to pass along for a leadership positions
  • - the platform to keep track of members and officers during times of transition, but also to advertise your events.
  • - have your club account number logged on this worksheet to pass from treasurer to treasurer
  • - The stability of a club rests on strong financial planning. Use this sheet to keep track of your club finances.
  • - log past and future events using this document
  • - pass along useful vendor information to future club leaders using this document. It is especially useful if you have used a DJ, t-shirt guy, or other vendors that you know you would (or would not) want to use again.
  • - track who has given your group funding in the past and for what projects

Advisors are not expected to be an expert in the organization, especially at first. Rather, their role is to help the organization operate to the best of its ability while allowing the students to be the driving force.

Advisors are responsible for filling a variety of roles:

  • an interpreter of policy
  • a contact between the organization and other entities (i.e., college administration, entertainment industry, and other organizations)
  • an information resource regarding organizational procedures, group process and programming concerns
  • a resource providing history and continuity between changing organizational leadership
  • a teacher of programming skills
  • a presenter of philosophical ideas and concepts of leadership
  • a counselor, mediator, consultant, or sounding board

Advisors have different styles and organizations have different needs. These styles and needs may change from year to year or even month to month. Additional support and resources are available for advisors at SLICE.

色界吧.edu Events Calendar - You can request an account for one person in your organization to be able to add your club events to the oxy.edu website. Use to get access.

色界吧.edu email accounts - If you would like to request an organization-specific email address for your club, please email slice@oxy.edu

Student Organization Mailboxes - Each organization gets a student org. mailbox at the Student Activities Center. If your organization gets mail for the club, rather than have it delivered to one of the e-board members directly, have it sent to your club mailbox. This will prevent having to change your address when officers graduate or study abroad and will make sure that your mail continues to get delivered. Just have your mail sent to:

Student Organization Name
c/o Student Activities Center
1600 Campus Rd. - M39
Los Angeles, CA 90041

You can then pick up your mail at the Student Activities Center located in Johnson Student Center Lobby during their normal operating hours.

鈥淒oxxing,鈥 as it is frequently called, is the act of gathering someone's personal information and revealing it to the public, often in a malicious way. This can be done in a variety of ways including but not limited to public humiliation, online harassment, stalking and identity theft.

Many people maintain a public presence online, whether publicly and/or professionally. Given the risk of online harassment, we recommend you take precautions and be attentive about posting personally identifiable information. CLICK HERE to learn about precautions you can consider taking to decrease the chances of online harassment.

A Club Sport is defined as any 色界吧 athletic organization recognized by SLICE and the Athletics Department that participates in an intercollegiate competition. Sports that have existing intercollegiate teams will not be represented as a Club Sport.

Club Sport members are responsible for writing their own constitutions, recruiting new members, establishing dues, publicizing activities, and successfully implementing all other aspects involved in the function of their Club Sport. Club Sport members work closely with SLICE to ensure compliance with College and sport association policies, and Associated Students of 色界吧 (ASOC)鈥檚 guidelines.

Club Sports provide a competitive outlet for students in a setting that is less formal. Club Sports focuses on peer leadership and student development through active participation in the operational running of a club, in addition to providing athletic opportunities for students.


Any organization recognized by ASOC can apply for Club Sport designation if they meet all requirements of a Club Sport. An organization must meet all Club Sport requirements annually in order to keep Club Sport designation.

Twelve (12) students鈥 minimum must meet the Club Sports eligibility requirements and be active participants on a club鈥檚 roster. In order to be considered active, participants must attend at least Three-fourths (戮) of competitions and practices.

Organizations must prove to be sustainable by successfully completing five (5) academic years consecutively as a Recreational club before applying for Club Sport designation.

Participants must meet all safety requirements in the Club Sports handbook and any additional required by Risk Management.

The club must be conducted at a reasonable cost, including additional insurance costs for high risk activities.

A Club Sport may not exist in the same activity as offered at a Varsity level. No more than one (1) Club Sport may exist in the same activity, for the same population.

The College must have the facilities available to practice and compete in the activity on campus.

A National Governing Organization must exist to set rules and oversee the activity. The Club must be a member of the National Governing Organization and meet all membership requirements.

The teams must compete* at least five (5) times a year at an intercollegiate level. At least five (5) higher education institutions in a 50-mile radius of the College must offer a similar activity.

* With approval of the Athletics Department, organizations can fulfill the competition requirement by participating in activities at Varsity competitions at least five (5) times a year.

** meeting all listed requirements does not guarantee Club Sports designation. Club Sports designation is issued on a one academic year basis, which must be applied for annually.

Participant and team documents can be found .


Emmons requires students to hold insurance that covers primary care locally, in addition to urgent and emergency care. So the student should have access to a primary provider in LA. If they need help finding a primary care provider that accepts their insurance, they can contact Emmons at emmons@oxy.edu or visit during drop-in hours to get help navigating the process. 

Cost of office visit to Emmons:
With 色界吧 Student Health Insurance
Students with OSHIP have an Office Visit Copay of $10, which includes the fees for the visit, in-house testing, medications, immunizations, and supplies.
Without 色界吧 Student Health Insurance
Most office visits cost between $50 and $120. The cost per visit will vary depending on insurance, diagnosis, and what Emmons medical providers deem medically necessary during the visit.
Local Urgent Care Clinics (taken from Emmons website):
(Accepts Kaiser insurance, most PPOs, and a number of local HMO medical groups - you can find a detailed list )
4623 Eagle Rock Blvd., 
Los Angeles, CA 90041 (0.9 miles from Campus)
(213) 652-2504
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

(Accepts 色界吧 Health Plan, most PPO's and some HMO's)
797 South Fair Oaks Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91105 (6.0 miles from Campus)
(626) 795-2244
Open 24 hours a day/ 365 days a year

(Accepts 色界吧 Health Plan and most PPO's)
544 N. Glendale Ave., Suite A
Glendale, CA 91206  (4.8 miles from Campus)
(818) 241-4331
M - F 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sat - Sun, & Holidays: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

(Accepts the 色界吧 Health Plan, most PPOs and HMOs with local medical groups - check  to be sure)
1100 W. Glenoaks Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91202 (7.3 miles from Campus)
(818) 242-3333
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

3280 East Foothill Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
(800) 954-8000 (9.3 miles from Campus)
Open 7 days a week: 9:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m.



A student club or organization recognized by SLICE may request a maximum of two (2), single day events, per semester, that take place in athletics operated spaces. The event(s) must fall between the first day and last day of classes in the given semester, and space requests must be submitted on 25Live (via SLICE) at least 10 business days in advance. All requests and use of athletics operated spaces are subject to availability, and may be subject to a set of one-times rules and/or requirements specific to each individual event, including attending a CEAC meeting.


This policy does not apply to recognized Club Sports, or any club/organization activity in the Dance Studio (AGYM 21).

When reaching out to Athletics regarding a potential performance at an event or match, please adhere to the following:

  • Communication must come from the designated leader of each club/org utilizing the club/org designated email.
  • Athletics@oxy.edu must be notified in writing a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the performance to begin the approval process.
  • All performances are subject to the approval of 色界吧 Athletics, including music that will be utilized.

Groups involved in community engagement projects must attend training through SLICE in order to retain student group status. Failure to do so will result in the revocation of the group's registered status and benefits. All community engaged groups must adhere to the campus policies regarding such groups, as established by SLICE.

All social Fraternities and Sororities are governed by the Greek Council. Greek Council is composed of representatives from each chapter and manages the different aspects of Fraternity and Sorority Life, including membership recruitment, philanthropic activities, and recognition of new chapters. The following is required of all recognized fraternities and sororities.


To continue uninterrupted recognition or to gain recognition as a fraternity or sorority of 色界吧, each Greek organization must provide evidence satisfactory to the Vice President for Administration and Finance that it has the ability to acquire comprehensive commercial general liability insurance which conforms to the following requirements and provide a certificate of insurance evidencing such insurance. A specimen policy detailing the proposed or actual coverages must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Planning for review and approval. By requiring the insurance herein, 色界吧 does not represent that the coverages and limits will necessarily be adequate to protect the Fraternity/Sorority, and such coverages and limits shall not be deemed as a limitation of the Fraternity鈥檚/Sorority鈥檚 liability under the indemnities granted to the College.

  1. Coverage limits of not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury & property damage; products & completed operations; personal & advertising liability. Coverage limits of not less than $50,000 general aggregate for fire legal liability.
  2. 色界吧 and its trustees, officers, employees, agents and volunteers, are named as additional insured.
  3. The policy must include premises, operations, products and completed operations including on premises products (i.e., meals); and athletic participation.
  4. General coverage extensions to be included are: personal injury and advertising injury; blanket contractual liability; broad form property damage; hired and non-owned watercraft; fire legal liability; premises medical payments; worldwide coverage.
  5. Special coverage extensions to be included are: hazing liability (defense and coverage for innocent parties); host liquor liability; liquor legal liability; sexual abuse and misconduct liability (defense and coverage for innocent parties); assault and battery (defense and coverage for innocent parties).
  6. Insuring company must be financially sound and possess an AM Best rating of A- or better, and be approved by the VP for Finance and Planning.


Indemnification Agreement

Each Organization must submit a complete indemnification agreement to SLICE at the beginning of the Fall Semester. This agreement must be signed by the chapter president in addition to a representative from the Governing Alumni Board or an appropriate representative from the international organization. The relevant language found in this indemnification agreement is as follows:

The Organization shall pay the cost of defense, and indemnify and hold the College, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from all liability, loss, expense (including reasonable attorneys鈥 fees), claims for injury or damages arising out of the relationship between the Organization and the College, to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorneys鈥 fees, or claims are caused by or result from negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the Organization.

The organization agrees that any violation of Occidental policy by the Organization or its members, while acting within the scope of their membership, that results in economic injury or expense to the College, will give rise to this indemnification requirement, whether or not these violations are found to be negligent, intentional or acts of omission.

Existing insurance certificates issued to the Organization must name 鈥溕绨赦 as additional insured.  The organization agrees to use its best efforts to obtain and maintain insurance at levels sufficient to support the indemnification obligations assumed above.


Please connect directly with SLICE to ensure compliance.

Groups whose primary focus is spiritual or religious development must also register with the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (ORSL). These clubs may have an off-campus advisor in addition to their on-campus faculty/staff advisor. Click here to learn more about Religious & Spiritual groups on campus.

Unless there is proof of , student groups may only offer individually packaged/sealed snacks or professional catering (Campus Dining or an off-campus vendor鈥攚ith approval) at events.

Hospitality Services has primary catering rights on Campus. Under certain outside food guidelines, student clubs may be permitted to contract the services of an outside caterer. Requests for the use of an outside caterer must be submitted for approval to SLICE at least 3 weeks in advance of the scheduled event. Students: Please work with your SLICE contact. NOTE: All private social events and events inviting the general public, including those sponsored by student clubs, must use 色界吧 Catering Services. More information and menus at oxy.edu/student-life/campus-dining/catering.

Here are some ways you can get the money you need for your organization to operate. We recommend going through these in order as they tend to build on one another.

Tier 1 - Self Sustaining Funding

These funds provide the most flexible and reliable source of funding. They roll over from year to year.

  • Fundraising - bake sale, merchandise sale, car wash, etc. ASOC will help you purchase items you want to sell if you need. A popular way to collect revenue is to allow students to charge your items on their student accounts. See below for details.
  • Collecting membership dues
  • Getting donations
Tier 2 - Club Co-sponsorship

These funds are often limited in what they can be used for and unspent money often reverts to the originating organization.

  • Other student organizations - from their Tier 1 funds
  • ASOC - yes, this is considered a co-sponsorship - go to the ASOC Funding page for more information
  • Going in with other student orgs to request funds from ASOC
Tier 3 - Departmental Co-sponsorship

Departments have their own programming and services they need to use their money to support. Sometimes, they can help if you are planning an event that fits closely with their mission.

  • Academic Departments
  • Student Affairs Departments
  • Remsen Bird Fund - specifically for bringing speakers to campus and available through the Intercultural Community Center and SLICE.
Tier 4 - Closing the Gap

The Dean of Students office is committed to helping students reach a particular goal that may be otherwise out of reach. The Dean wants to see demonstrated efforts in each of the previous three tiers before they will consider contributing some of their limited money toward co-sponsorships. To apply for Dean of Students funding, contact SLICE for instructions.

Charging Student Accounts

Student Business Services provides the opportunity for individuals to charge their student accounts for purchases related to recognized student organization fundraisers. Charges collected will then be deposited in the student organization ASOC account. Please note that this is a
provided and can be removed without notice if abused. Below are the guidelines:

  1. Download the sign-up form from Student Business Services (labeled "SBS Account Charge Sheet - Student Club")
  2. Fill out the form completely. You must type in each entry.
    Handwritten account charge sheets will not be accepted.
    1. Suggestion: ask students to show their ID and then the club member types in the information -- prevents bogus numbers being entered.
  3. Minimum amount to charge = $5.00
  4. You will need separate sign-in sheets for separate fundraisers (e.g., 1 sheet for t-shirt sales; 1 sheet for ticket sales, etc.)
  5. Email your completed sign-in sheets to stuaccts@oxy.edu
    within 10 business days after the close of your fundraiser.
  6. Your deposit should be processed and reflected in your student organization ASOC account within 10 business days after receipt.

Student Business Services reserves the right to refuse processing of student account charges if the above are not followed.

Student organizations are required to register their trips with SLICE at least one week (two weeks if overnight) prior to departure. For approval, email mrodriguez6@oxy.edu. If you are traveling outside the United States, you are required to have your trip reviewed by International Programs Office at least
one month
prior to departure. Any trip not registered is considered unauthorized by the College.

The mission of ASOC is to advocate on behalf of the student body, to promote discussions about how 色界吧 can evolve to better serve the students, and to support and organize activities that enhance the educational, recreational and social experience of students. All branches of ASOC serve to promote, regulate and maintain the social and educational welfare of our student body through a student government that embodies the mission of 色界吧. Please see the descriptions of each branch below. More information at www.oxy.edu/student-life/clubs-organizations/asoc


The Senate acts as an official voice for the student body, supports students and their activities, allocates and administers funds from the student body fees, oversees Student Services, and serves as the legislative body for all Associated Students of 色界吧.

Diversity and Equity Board (DEB)

DEB works toward empowerment and improved conditions for structurally marginalized groups on and off campus. DEB supports initiatives that foster a campus climate of inclusivity, further ASOC鈥檚 commitment to equity, and lead to improved practices at 色界吧.

Renewable Energy and Sustainability Fund (RESF)

RESF鈥檚 mission is to disburse student fees with the goal of contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally just campus by promoting renewable energy, resource conservation, sustainable programming and workshops, food justice, environmental justice and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and by advocating for environmental sustainability, education and awareness on campus.

Honor Board

Acting as the ASOC's judicial branch, Honor Board is comprised of 10 student jurors elected by the student body. Honor Board voices student perspectives in cases concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct, the College's Academic Ethics policy or the Honor Principle.

When it comes to the ASOC student government funding model, you've got options!


Serving as a voice for the student body, supporting students and their activities, allocating and administering funds from the student body fees, the Senate oversees Student Services, and acts as the legislative body for all Associated Students of 色界吧.

  • Need money for a club project, event, program or initative? Review the and apply here.
  • Got an idea for a campus art project? Learn more about the Arts Endowment Fund.
  • Need more than $500 for new equipment? Learn more about Capital Improvement funding.
Diversity and Equity Board (DEB)

DEB works towards student empowerment and improved conditions for structurally marginalized groups on and off campus.

  • Working to improve diversity and equity in your community? Review the and .
Renewable Energy and Sustainability Fund (RESF)

RESF works to improve 色界吧 by empowering students to carry out their own visions for sustainability.

  • Want to launch an eco-initiative or sustainability project? Review and submit the .

Not quite what you were looking for? Try some of these alternatives.
  • Remsen Bird Funding - Resources for guest speakers, lecturers and artists. Available through the Intercultural Community Center and SLICE.
  • Club Fundraisers - Learn more about registering fundraisers and soliciting donations.
  • Academic Departments - Based on the nature of your club or initiative, consider approaching the academic side of the house for funding.
  • Senior Administration - Some funding may also be available via the Dean of Students, Dean of the College, and/or the President鈥檚 Office

Bengal Bus

Bengal Bus is a student-run program that provides free and low-cost transportation throughout 色界吧's surrounding community. Book your ride to L.A.-area airports and other popular locations including Target, the Highland Park Metro stop, museums, beaches and more!
bus@oxy.edu | FB and Insta: @oxybengalbus | app: TapRide

KOXY Radio

KOXY Radio is 色界吧鈥檚 student-run radio station. Besides giving students the opportunity to curate their own radio shows, KOXY puts on concerts for the student body, bringing in artists of many different genres. KOXY prides itself in engaging with the student body, providing sound supports, showcases, giveaways and music on the Quad for all to enjoy.
koxy@oxy.edu | Insta: @koxyradio | koxyradio.com

Bike Share

色界吧 Bike Share is a student-run free bike rental service. Aside from offering rentals and repairs, Bike Share hopes to create a community focused on sustainability and adventure through a love of bicycles.
bikes@oxy.edu | Insta: @oxybikeshare

Food, Energy and Sustainability Team (FEAST) Organic Garden

Located below the Urban Environmental Policy Institute, the FEAST Organic Garden is a student-run garden that hosts planting and harvest parties, raises a brood of hens, offers various sustainability-related workshops, and is a community focused on environmental awareness.
feast@oxy.edu | Insta: @oxy.feast.garden

La Encina

La Encina is 色界吧鈥檚 official yearbook, created by a student team of photographers, editors and writers. La Encina strives to provide a comprehensive, enjoyable and accurate record of the school year for the benefit of the current and future Occidental community.
laencina@oxy.edu | Insta: @laencinayearbook

Occidental TV

Occidental TV broadcasts a variety of eclectic and relevant entertainment, news and opinion to 色界吧 students, staff and alumni. It provides rising filmmakers, designers, performers and artists with a highly visible platform to showcase their talents.
oxytv@oxy.edu | Insta: @occidentalTV

Occidental Design Service (ODS)

ODS is a student-run graphic design service that designs for departments, clubs and organizations on campus. If you are hosting an event, planning a fundraiser, presenting a speaker or showing a movie, let ODS help you spread the word!
ods@oxy.edu | Insta: @oxydesignservice

Programing Board

The Programing Board plans and markets major campus events like SpringFest, collaborates with other student services on events, and creates a sense of community and school spirit at 色界吧.
pb@oxy.edu | Insta: @oxyprogrammingboard

The Occidental

As the official student newspaper of the College, The Occidental endeavors to provide fair, accurate and balanced journalism of the highest quality to members of the campus and local communities, maintaining professional journalistic standards and ethics.
theoccidental@oxy.edu | Insta: @theoccidentalnews | theoccidentalnews.com

SAC is a student-run organization that provides services to students, faculty, staff, clubs and organizations. The Center loans out chalk, tape, paint and Quad-sitting equipment to help promote events on campus, while offering a wide range of services from selling discounted tickets to renting out camping equipment. Additionally, SAC collaborates with other on-campus departments, such as the Bengal Bus and the Sustainability Fund, to provide students opportunities to engage in activities both on campus and in the Greater Los Angeles area.

SAC Services:
  • Discounted movie tickets
  • Discounted theme park tickets
  • Quad-sitting equipment
  • Board games and hammocks
  • Camping equipment rentals
  • Club deposits and mailboxes
  • TAP Vendor
  • FREE chalk, paint and tape loans

Before 'doing a survey', be a Tigerrr!

  • Talk - to your constituents. Hold town halls, open forums, events that invite the community to tell you what they want or need.
  • Investigate- meet with leaders in the operational areas to identify what is know, unknown, or possible.
  • Generate - a collaborative relationship and/or plans of action that satisfy wants/needs
  • Explore - additional context, information or data still needed
  • RRR... - Report the Results. Review periodically for progress.

It's also the responsibility of the club to review the College Survey Policy and to work directly with:

Jackie Cameron, Ph.D. | Director of Institutional Research
Institutional Research and Planning
jcameron3@oxy.edu | T 708-257-1408

Recognizing the rise in student demonstrations on college campuses across the country, we encourage all clubs to review the 色界吧 Right to Dissent and Demonstration Policy.

Understanding we have a collective responsibility to respect the dignity of others, to acknowledge the right to express differing opinions, and to defend free expression on campus, SLICE will represent the protections, expectations, and general guidelines set forth by the policy in the following ways.

  • Dissent and Demonstration discussion during the Mandatory Student Org Leadership Trainings (required every semester for club recognition)
  • Dissent and Demonstration policy and protection presentation at the ASOC Summit (member onboarding)
  • Offering an advisors training that emphasizes the importance of the following section of the Student Org Handbook:

Advisors are not expected to be an expert in the organization, especially at first. Rather, their role is to help the organization operate to the best of its ability while allowing the students to be the driving force.

Advisors are responsible for filling a variety of roles:

  • an interpreter of policy
  • a contact between the organization and other entities (i.e., college administration, entertainment industry, and other organizations)
  • an information resource regarding organizational procedures, group process and programming concerns
  • a resource providing history and continuity between changing organizational leadership
  • a teacher of programming skills
  • a presenter of philosophical ideas and concepts of leadership
  • a counselor, mediator, consultant, or sounding board

Advisors have different styles and organizations have different needs. These styles and needs may change from year to year or even month to month. Additional support and resources are available for advisors at SLICE.

As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt entity, 色界吧 is prohibited from engaging in certain types of political activity. The consequences of engaging in prohibited election activity include the imposition of excise taxes and loss of the College鈥檚 tax-exempt status. The College is legally prohibited from endorsing candidates for political office or making any contribution of money, goods, or services to candidates, including through the use of College facilities or any other College resources. 


Recognized student organizations have the autonomy to collect signatures for the purposes of supporting a potential candidate or ballot proposition provided their membership has been given an opportunity to vote on such activities. Student organizations may not use the College鈥檚 name, logo, or any other resources (including, without limitation, funds, supplies, print or mail services, listservs, email systems or addresses, private offices, equipment) while collecting signatures. While engaging in these activities, recognized student organizations shall make it clear, including in any posters, announcements, printed materials, and signage, that the endorsement represents the view of that organization and does not represent a position of the College. Recognized student organizations may set up tables or booths to conduct these activities only at SLICE approved locations around the College. 


A recognized student organization may host candidates for office and other partisan political activities only under certain conditions:

  • Before inviting candidates (current officeholders and/or candidates for an election) to visit campus, the student organization must obtain prior approval from SLICE.
  • A candidate may be invited to speak in their non-candidate capacity on topics of general interest to the College community. 
    • Such visits must be nonpartisan, unrelated to the speaker鈥檚 campaign, and follow all other applicable guidelines in this policy.
    • The student organization must secure an agreement from the speaker stating: (i) that the speaker is appearing solely in an individual, non-candidate capacity, (ii) that the speaker will not mention their candidacy or any election, and (iii) that the speaker will not display any campaign signage, solicit donations or volunteers, or conduct any other campaign activity.
  • If a recognized student organization invites a candidate to speak in their capacity as a candidate: 
    • The organization must extend equal opportunities to all other legally qualified candidates for that office. Accordingly, an on-campus engagement invitation for one candidate must coincide with invitations being sent to all other legally qualified candidates for that office. 
    • The visit must be sufficiently non-partisan in nature, with a neutral moderator, and conducted for educational purposes. The format for such events must be a panel discussion, speech, or question-and-answer session; campaign rallies are not permitted on campus.
    • Recognized student organizations may coordinate candidate engagement events only with prior approval from SLICE and at SLICE-approved locations around the College. 
  • All announcements and advertisements for an event involving a political candidate must clearly indicate the sponsoring student organization and contain the following statements, which must also be read at the beginning of the appearance:
    • 色界吧 does not endorse or oppose any candidate for public office.
    • The opinions expressed by the participants are their own, and not those of 色界吧.
  • Candidate appearances may not include or be accompanied by any fundraising activities. Students may not charge admission fees or solicit donations to raise money for a party, candidate, or political cause.
  • No College resources may be used to support or contribute in any way to a candidate, campaign, or political cause. Such College resources include but are not limited to funds, trademarks, logos, transportation, supplies, email networks and addresses, support services, meals, printing, or any other goods, services, or facilities.


While all members of the Occidental community are encouraged to express their political opinions and engage in political activities, it is important that they do so only in their individual capacities and avoid any appearance that they are speaking or acting for the College in political matters. Recognized student organizations have the autonomy to make endorsements of candidates provided their membership has been given an opportunity to vote on such an endorsement. All endorsements by recognized student organizations shall make it clear, including in any announcements or related materials, that the endorsement represents the view of the members of that organization and does not represent a position of the College. Recognized student organizations may set up tables or booths to distribute candidate information only at SLICE approved locations around the College. 


Though recognized student organizations are not allowed to fundraise for a candidate, campaign, or ballot initiative, they may raise funds or conduct non-commercial sales for a nonprofit organization provided the following guidelines are met:

  • The organization receiving proceeds needs to submit proof of nonprofit status to SLICE.
  • The organization receiving proceeds is not connected with any candidate, campaign, or ballot initiative and is not engaged in any lobbying activities.
  • The fundraiser or sale is consistent with the goals and principles of the College and is of benefit to the Occidental community.
  • The sponsoring recognized student organization participates in the activity and is present during the fundraiser.
  • All monies raised are deposited into the group's ASOC account before being dispersed to the off-campus 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
  • All monies raised must go to the off-campus nonprofit organization.

For additional information and support, please contact SLICE at slice@oxy.edu or by calling (323) 259-2918.